Our Story

About us

公司簡介及相關資訊 Company

研貿有限公司專業生產氣動錘、電 / 氣動鑿刀,所用原料如 40ACR 和 SCM440 等都經過嚴格的熱鍛成型,保證客戶所購得的產品,都有最佳的品質,歡迎各位來圖與樣品。

Specializing in the production of pneumatic hammers, electric/pneumatic chisels, the raw materials used, such as 40ACR and SCM440, have undergone rigorous hot forging to ensure that the products purchased by customers have the best quality. Welcome to provide drawings and samples.

主要產品及服務 Service

電動工具, 氣動錘, 電/氣動鑿刀

Yan Mao is one of the most important representatives of the metal-processing company in Taian. The company sells finished products as well as offers metal-processing services. State-of-the-art machines used to provide additional services guarantee fast and high-quality fulfilment of the ordered services.